Industry: Insurance carriers
Exposure to war in Ukraine and the effects of sanctions against
Companies are seeking to address the global ripple of restrictions on imports and exports, supply chain disruption, escalating oil…
IMPACT Awards 2022
In June, Crawford UK hosted its fourth annual IMPACT Awards at the Belfry in recognition and celebration of those individuals across…
Crawford launches inclusive and flexible approach to bank holidays in the UK
Crawford announced a significant change to its leave policy to boost inclusivity. Lisa Bartlett, president, UK & Ireland, said “At…
Crawford Cyber Global Solution
Learn how Crawford provides specialist claims management services from the outset of a cyber incident, whilst also being able to…
Nidhi Verma Promoted to Chief People & ESG Officer
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management and…
Crawford 2021 Global Citizenship report
With Crawford's worldwide network of experts dedicated to restoring lives, businesses and communities, we strive to be responsible…
The drive towards e-scooter claims
Crawford Legal Services looks at the potential for claims from the increased use of e-scooters in the UK and what that means for the…
Subsidence - Environment Act requires rethink on tree removal
The passage of the UK's Environment Act 2021 has significant implications for the handling of property damage insurance claims…
The supply chain challenge
Last year’s petrol crisis in the UK together with multiple media reports of looming shortages has focused the attention of companies…
Crawford establishes Crawford Environmental Consultancy in the UK
Crawford announced the launch of Crawford Environmental Consultancy in the UK. Crawford Environmental Consultancy is a…
Technical update 1: Ukraine
The current war between Russia and Ukraine is generating a number of potential exposures for insurers and their clients across a…
Market update: Russia-Ukraine
We are deeply saddened by the war in Ukraine that escalated last week. We hope for the safety ofthe Ukrainian people, all those in…