Type: Report
The cyber challenge
Paul Handy, global head of cyber, looks at the challenges for cyber in a hardening market with reduced capacity, geopolitical…
How technology, soft skills and empathy are empowering employees
Empathy + Technology: Learn how technology, soft skills and empathy work together to empower employees across your…
Soil - The Cinderella science
Sustainable soil management for a healthier planet. In today’s culture of environmental awareness and governance, the subject of…
Crawford's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics - Amended July 29, 2022
Since 1941, Crawford and Company has built a business around its founding principles of honesty, integrity and quality. Our…
Crawford 2021 Global Citizenship report
With Crawford's worldwide network of experts dedicated to restoring lives, businesses and communities, we strive to be responsible…
The drive towards e-scooter claims
Crawford Legal Services looks at the potential for claims from the increased use of e-scooters in the UK and what that means for the…
Subsidence - Environment Act requires rethink on tree removal
The passage of the UK's Environment Act 2021 has significant implications for the handling of property damage insurance claims…
The supply chain challenge
Last year’s petrol crisis in the UK together with multiple media reports of looming shortages has focused the attention of companies…
Estimating expected sales
For the last year, forensic accountants have been grappling with the mechanics of COVID-19 claims and the ongoing impact of the…
Clinical Trials Liability Insurance
Clinical trial liability insurance is designed to provide financial protection for those sponsoring and conducting clinical trials…
Data Driven: Weather
Insurers and their customers have already experienced severe weather events such as Storms Bella, Christoph and Darcy along with…
Medical malpractice and COVID-19 in the United Arab Emirates
The coronavirus pandemic has affected many aspects of healthcare including medical malpractice. Liability experts at Crawford Middle…